Tuesday, June 21, 2011


I am NOT going to make the announcement, in the event that I JINX the occasion, BUT- today COULD mark the day that Brooklyn is OFFICIALLY, COMPLETELY potty trained. But again, I am NOT declaring that because she'll just start marking her territory like a hound dog or something if I do. She has gone THREE days with no accidents. She has ALSO learned to scale the toilet in a very artful manner and can go to the bathroom ALL by HERSELF! (After seeing HOW she gets up there, my heart almost stopped three times as I watched her BALANCE upside down on her toes and hands and she turned herself to get to a sitting position... BUT she didn't crash down on her head and she DID go pee in the potty).

Sunday I took her to church in Panties, because when I attempted to put on her diaper she said, "Mommy! I HAF-ta wear my big gu-rul panties! I NOT wear a BI-Per!" And she HAD gone potty in the toilet so I couldn't say, "You peed in your panties so you are getting put back in a little baby diaper." I was wringing my hands like a soaked towel the WHOLE time I sat on the stage KNOWING Starling, who was sitting in the congregation with BOTH kiddos, wouldn't think to take Brooklyn to the potty unless she reminded him. (And I didn't see that happening). AND THEN, when I saw Starling stand up and rush Brooklyn OUT, I said to myself, 'Cu-RAP.. She just peed all over the pew." Luckily that wasn't the case... she had indeed needed to go potty and Starling had taken her.

Other than potty training, I've been aerobic training. WATER aerobics to be exact. If you are like me, exercise causes PAIN and PAIN triggers the word STOP! STOP! And some diligent people tell themselves, "I shall not STOP! I must go ON!" And they keep working their screaming muscles. I am NOT one of those people. If I am jogging and my leg even says, "This hill is a little steep don't you think?" I nod my head and say, "You are RIGHT, leg. I won't make you run. You can walk UP and jog DOWN... so you don't get too tired." THIS is why I just LOVE working out in my pool. I trick my legs into thinking they aren't getting tired. I don't have SWEAT to judge my efforts on because I'm covered in refreshingly cool water. So I do my three sets of ten (of WHATEVER I'm doing) and I feel JUST fine or maybe a HAIR tired, but certainly not exhausted. It is NOT until I try to climb down the deck ladder that I realize my legs are made of jello and I can not walk. It is TERRIFIC!! And AB workouts in WATER- INCREDIBLE! I actually work out my STOMACH instead of working on a BRUISE to cover my butt bone. And I am seeing the results... all my sag is getting a face lift ALL the while Brooklyn is getting to play in the pool and I am getting a sun tan. Its gotta be the greatest workout plan I ever came up with since I actually look forward to doing it. And yesterday I timed it PERFECTLY. Brooklyn and my neighbor kid swam while I did my workout. Then I pushed Brooklyn in the swing. She fell asleep in the swishing wind at EXACTLY 1:59p.m. I put her to bed for her nap, Brighton was STILL sleeping in his swing so I went and took a nap in the pool for 40 min., got out, felt REFRESHED, did laundry, dishes, cleaned ALL while the kiddos were still napping. I may try that again today...

We just finished lunch- and I HAVE to share the recipe for ALL to try. If you want a happy, healthy, quick little snack- take some frosted mini-wheats and some sliced cheese and eat it. If you want a happy, healthy quick little LUNCH take frosted mini wheats and melt he cheese OVER them for about 10 seconds in the microwave. Scatter some lettuce over that and a dash of Taco Bell taco sauce. OMGREAT lively HEART, it is DELISH! AND don't you go knocking it UNTIL you've tried it! It was my creative meal that I came up with in HIGH SCHOOL since I was banned from cooking in the kitchen do to a few mishaps regarding FIRE. Brooklyn and I chowed down. She LOVED it and she has REALLY exquisite taste for a two year old. AND, if you are more into MEAT, you can melt chili and cheese on top. Its yummy, also. Sweet and Salty little taste bud paradise. After you TRY it, tell me what you think! (So far all the brave souls that HAVE tasted it have liked it... even my brother... I was in charge of feeding him some when we were little... SOOooo he got to eat ALL kinds of creative microwave concoctions). And if you are just feeling that little bug of experimentation and want to try my OTHER favorite dish... Make TWO grilled cheese sandwiches. THEN plop to sunny side up eggs on top of them. THEN cover in syrup and dive in like a mosquito into a leg crease. I've given it to several missionaries and friends. Its quite popular in the crowd of sophisticated taste buds.

All this talk of yummy food is making me crave a chocolate shake. SURPRISE! Then I need to brush Brooklyn's teeth. She's been eating jelly beans and has enough cheese on her teeth to make nachos.

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