Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Downtown Darlins

The Christmas gift for the year (or so it seems amongst my girl friends) was new CAMERA! Sooo naturally we all want to play with our new toys. Luckily one of my friends, good ole' Jessie who swooped in from Utah and is ahead of the times in photography and the arts, is the vet on cameras. So Stephi, one of my best friends and sister in law, Jessi one of my best friends previously mentioned, and I decided we would take our toys downtown and give them a whirl on some choice models... our DAUGHTERS... 

    Something to be noted is the downtown atmosphere... besides being a little run down, it seems to host a lot of bars and bar going type people... (i hope that is politcally correct terminology. lol) As we pulled our cars into a vast parking lot around four fifty in the p.m. a car drove past filled with loud music and loud boys/men hanging out all of the windows.
    The second thing to be noted is the status of all three women. PREGNANT. So if you can get a visual of three prego's waddling out of their vehicles with three toddlers in tow carrying nothing other than heavy cameras draped around their necks and a camera bag slung over the shoulder.... you might find it VERY ominous to the passerby that might be viscious. After seeing a few street goers we had the brains to actually consider the possibly that we should have brought tazers and pepper spray. Too bad. We didn't.
    The third thing to note is the status of our children. I already mentioned toddlers, but until you meet them, you can not fully appreciate their diverse hyper tendencies. Alayna likes to run from Stephi, while Layla likes to pick up gum off the side walk, and Brooklyn is constantly trying to follow her two best buds while keeping just enough distance that they do not touch her (pinch, or poke her).

     Jessi led the way to a nice photo opt... a railroad track. Three moms stick their three children on a train track and tell them to smile for a picture. Three girls start picking up rocks and start throwing them, eating them, kicking them...

No girls smile for pictures. They did succeed in getting completely covered in dirt and some black oily substance. And then they made sure to wipe it all over their faces. (If we were going for grunge... we certainly hit our mark).
    We then headed to the old buildings were we attempted to seperate them and get solo pics. Out of 200 plus pics I think i got 2 where Brooklyn actually looked at me. She sat as poised as a porcelain doll but her attention was solely on her friends and wondering when she'd be able to rejoin them. sigh...

     We tried to get the girls to hold hands, sit side by side, put their arms around each other... okay... just BE in the same area long enough to get some pics.... i wish we had a video of the attempt... it would be much more telling then the blurred photos and facial expressions.
     Finally, three moms gave up and we took our three model children (though models for WHAT i won't say) and headed back to Jessi's where she made yummy pancakes and we thoroughly stuffed our faces with sweet delight. We gabbed for the rest of the night until our husbands began returning at 9:30 ish...
     I love eventful evenings like that... especially when I know that we are about to add THREE more kids to that little mix. haha... it makes me smile just thinking how different boys are going to be. We all hope LESS DRAMATIC.

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