Friday, September 2, 2011

#2 You Know Your Husband Loves You...

You Know Your Husband Loves You....

1. When you tell him you want to give away ALL your animals because you just don't have the energy to BATHE them, CLEAN up after them, FEED them, or TOUCH them! AND then the next day you HAUL your confused husband to the pound because you've found a FRIEND for your dog and you've FALLEN in LOVE with it!

2. When your husband talks you OUT of paying $100 for a cute dog at the pound and gotten you to agree that you have enough animals only to find you researching how to litter box train a pet rabbit.

3. When he doesn't comment after you have a "heart to heart" health talk SUGGESTING he lay off the sweets as he notices you've eaten over half a gallon of ice cream by YOURSELF in three days.

4. When you ask him how you look in your outfit and he honestly proclaims, "Ummm... if I were a different person.. ruder.. or RUSS (aka his BROTHER) I'd say, 'Dang girl! Get a shirt that FITS!.'

5. When he spends two hours cleaning the pool and you tell him, "Its just too HOT to swim..."

6. When he always orders more food than you want him to because he knows you'll eat TWICE as much as you THINK you will. (And he doesn't want to have to share HIS portion with your monstrous appetite).

7. When he doesn't flip as he moves the picture you so PROUDLY hung all by YOURSELF, and he sees the six nail holes you've planted in the sheetrock he hung and painted.

8. When he remains calm when you say, "The lawn mower won't crank. And the gas seemed kind of black when I put it in." He just calmly informs you that you've mixed up the weed-eater fuel and gasoline.

9. When he gives you praise for a job well done when he sees you've weed-eated. He doesn't mention the other planted vegitation that has been brutally masacred or the monkey-grass now rocking a crew-cut.

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