Monday, May 16, 2011

Pee Pee Tee Pee

Gotta tell ya... BIG fan of the Pee Pee Tee Pee. Boys are definitely different than girls. I changed my FIRST diaper since having my little dude today. Number one... At four in the morning when I woke up with Brooklyn, I asked Starling if I could take more pain medicine. (He is ALWAYS in charge of the meds... I can't keep track and I don't really ever try very hard). He got up and put Brooklyn back in her big girl bed and I had the go ahead to take Tylenex or something of the sort. It said on the bottle to take one or two every four to six hours. WELL- I thought it was souped up tylenol. So I popped two in my mouth thinking I didn't want it to wear off while I slept. (Because when it wears off I feel like I'm sitting on FIRE!) So I wobbled back to the bed and fed Brighton. In my bed. And I did not put him back in his crib. NOoOo.. I cuddled up next to him and kissed him every time he thought about moving or making a sound. I am obsessed with him. Probably to the point of being a weirdo. BUT anyway- I woke up at six when Brooklyn was standing at my bedroom door saying, "MommAY! I can't open et, tha' door!" So I stood up to let her in except the walls were all crooked and I couldn't seem to get my eyes to open. I held onto the wall and opened the door for her. She told me, "I am all done sleeping. I don't want to go sleep, n-more. I want to watch yay-o. (diego)." I looked at my cell phone to catch the time. I blinked about six times trying to get my eyes to focus. 6 in the morning... well, technically morning.

"okay, Brooklyn..." So I went to turn on the Wii for her only to find that it was still unhooked from our hospital stay. I attempted plugging it in but I couldn't find what cord went where and I kept falling asleep sitting there. It was the strangest thing. I would try to plug in a cord but I kept missing the hole and my hand was going in slow motion. I finally crawled back to the bedroom and told Starling he had to plug it up. I was feeling confused. Brighton was busy loading his diaper.

Since Starling was tending to Brooklyn, I decided I would change my first diaper. No problem. So I picked him up and walked VERY slowly to the changing station. My legs felt like jelly. I pulled his little diaper down and put the pee pee tee pee over his little weanie. I wiped off his pea sized poop and was thinking how wonderful it was to change such a tiny un-stinky diaper rather than the kind that make me gag, puke, and burn out my nostrils. Suddenly Brighton let out a "WAAAAAAA!!!" And I tried to focus on his face and then tried to figure out where that water was coming from landing all over his head. And what was all in my hair? I kept looking at the ceiling trying to figure it out but my mind was too fuzzy to think. I looked around trying to find some source of moisture. And when Brighton wiggled, a bit of wet hit my face. What is going on? I kept thinking. (If you can really call whatever was going on in my head thinking).

FINALLY I saw that the pee pee tee pee had been BLOWN off little Brighton's winky by the intense blast of urine shooting out. I felt of his clothes. COMPLETELY dry. The pee had made a perfect arch OVER his little body and landing on his head. POOR thing. I laughed while I cleaned him up. As I grabbed the little gauze pad and put it on his little tinkler, he peed AGAIN! a LOT of pee! I'm trying to collect it in the gauze pad which is completely drenched and NOT collecting and because I'm holding it DOWN pee goes all over his body, the mat (that LUCKILY is plastic covered and easy to clean up) and soaks his clothes from head to toe. I hurriedly stuck on a new gauze pad and put on a diaper scared of what could happen next. I washed him down with a wet wipe, feeling terrible that it was cold but trying to finish up the changing process so i could get him back to the safety of the bed before i flopped out on the floor.

So dry and clean, I put him back in my bed and I asked Starling what on EARTH had I taken to feel so loopy. He then informed me that I took a pain killer and that it says take ONE twice a day. (Which for me means HALF a pill). I slept GOOD for most of the day. And when I woke up... I didn't take ANYTHING. (Starling is back in charge of my medication). AND back to changing the diapers.

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