Monday, January 20, 2014

Dream Drama

Okay. Am I the only freak that totally takes dreams to the next level? Last night I woke up FURIOUS at Starling. I mean, CRAZY livid. So angry was I, that I attempted kicking him out of my bed. (And I don't mean saying, "Starling. I am angry! I want you to sleep on the couch!") I mean- I woke up and his arm was touching me and I took both my feet and started kicking the crap out of his back trying to make him FALL out of my bed.

After awhile of doing this, and Starling NOT budging, I realized that Starling had, in actuality, NOT tried to sell my little fluffy Cocomo puppy to some crazy dog lady for $150 bucks. While we were living in my Grandma's house. It was only a dream. Then I was relieved that I hadn't ACTUALLY beat him with a frying pan and told him, "If I NEVER talk to you AGAIN, it will STILL be TOO soon!!!" And I didn't set his four wheeler shop on fire. THAT was all just a dream, too. Can I blame that on vitamins??

 And as soon as I fell asleep again, I dreamed we were living in our old house. And I told Starling NOT to hang the empty hangers in his closet. HANG them in the laundry room where they go. And that fart head HUNG the empty hanger in his closet anyway, as if he didn't have some dumbo ears to hear. I grabbed our wedding picture and slammed it over his head.

Luckily, when I punched him in real life, it hurt my hand and woke me up. I think I'm having some serious unresolved marital issues. Starling might need to watch out. I'm just glad those were the only dreams I had last night. Sometimes I dream Starling is talking to some giggling bimbo on the phone. And I don't get UN-Pissed when I wake up. I can hold a grudge about something I "dreamed" happened for like 3 days. And Starling can't really figure out how to apologize for something he never actually did. And I can't seem to find a way for him to make it up to me, even though he has nothing to make up FOR. So I mostly try to dream about beating robbers and politicians. But. I can't always control those crazy dreams of mine. So I think for Valentine's Day I'll ask for a punching bag. And maybe a dart board. 

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